Jonathan Jermey and Glenda Browne
Blaxland NSW Australia

Changing attitudes to the place of work in our lives, and the places we work, are opening up new opportunities for those of us who like independence. For some, it is new technology which enables them to work from home. Others, like indexers, have been doing it for a long time.
Indexing is a profession allied to cataloguing, but with a very different career structure. Indexers have worked from home since the days of index cards in a shoebox; most now use computers to work on, but still depend on couriers and the postal service for delivery. Some are full-timers, with business premises and business procedures. Others work full-time in related jobs, and index occasionally because it is a pleasure and a challenge.
Nearly all agree that it is a wonderful job: a chance to work with ideas, to be a part of the publishing process, and to work at your own time and place.

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