Robert B. Allen
Background. This is part of an ongoing set of studies to develop a framework and techniques for rich semantic modeling, based on traditional ontologies and upper ontologies. Such models should provide the basis for direct representation of complex texts such as scientific research reports and descriptions of historical events. Semantic models have been developed to describe mechanisms and explore how semantic models can be related to object-oriented programming languages.
Objective. Object-oriented semantic modeling was applied to two simulations: of a waterfall and of the cardiopulmonary system. Issues related to the components of these models and their interaction were examined.
Results. Complete executable models for the waterfall and the cardiopulmonary system examples are demonstrated. Specific recommendations are offered for handling States, Portions of Matter, Meta-Operators, and Systems.
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Cite: Allen, R.B.(2020). Semantic simulations based on object-oriented analysis and modeling. LIBRES, 29(2), 109-123.