Mary Carroll

I am a teacher in the Library and Cultural studies Department at Victoria University in Melbourne. I am also undertaking a PhD through the School of Information Management at Charles Sturt University in NSW investigating Library Technician education in Victoria.

As part of ongoing research into Library Technician education, statistics were gathered specifically related to Australian participants in the Diploma of Library and information Services Training Package for the year 2002. Data was gathered relating to age, gender, education background and employment status of this student cohort. The profile of the Library Technician student was then compared with the broader training package student cohort to examine any similarities or differences particular to Library Technician students. It is the intention that a further comparison will be made at a future date between the 2002 Library Studies cohort and a group of Library Technicians who have chosen to pursue a Librarianship qualification.

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Cite: Carroll, M. (2005). Profile of Australian Library Technician students. LIBRES, 15(2), 1‑9.