Julie Still
Reference Librarian
Paul Robeson Library
Rutgers University
Paul Robeson Library
300 N. 4th St.
Camden, NJ 08102
856 225-2846
856 225-6428 (fax)
The image of librarians in fiction and the media has been widely discussed in the professional literature, but librarians as authors of fiction has not, beyond news items of specific authors. Since beginning writers are encouraged to write what they know, it is not surprising that some librarian novelists create librarian characters or library-themed plots. This article reviews librarians as authors generally and examines the works of two librarian novelists, Miriam Grace Monfredo and Jayne Ann Krentz in detail. Both present library related issues. The possible use of well-written fiction that provides an interesting and accurate representation of information gathering and evaluation is discussed, as are other possible research topics in this area.
Cite: Still, J. (2005). Reading between the lines : librarians as authors of fiction. LIBRES, 15(1), 1‑21. https://doi.org/10.32655/LIBRES.2005.1.5