Mary G. Wrighten
Multicultural Services Librarian
Jerome Library, Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, Ohio 43403
Dr. Laurie A. Rodgers
Instructor, Ethnic Studies Department
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, Ohio 43403
“Course-related instruction is the most effective approach to meeting the objectives of library instruction, thereby making faculty-librarian collaboration all the more significant.” (Farber, 1999, p. 231). This observation has been demonstrated by the collaborative efforts of an Ethnic Studies librarian and instructor through the development and integration of library technology–class web pages—into course curriculum. In the process of creating this technology, there are certain things for which one may and may not expect class web pages to do. Class web pages can be an efficient and effective tool in the assignment completion process, provide learning opportunities through several formats and media, present extended learning opportunities that are initiated by the teacher. Class web pages cannot be a substitute for the teacher or librarian be effective or efficient unless they are integrated into the curriculum, be effective or efficient if their utility does not complement the course’s learning objectives.
Cite: Wrighten, M. G. & Rodgers, L. A. (2004). Librarian/faculty partnerships and library technology resources integrated into the ethnic studies curriculum. LIBRES, 14(1), 1‑22.