Sandra Hoffman
Reference/Selection Librarian, Webster Library, Concordia University
Montreal, QC Canada H3G 1M8
Anne-Marie Bélanger
formerly Head, Database Maintenance & Receiving Unit, Webster Library, Concordia University
Montreal, QC Canada H3G 1M8
This paper reports the results of a survey of Canadian academic libraries to determine whether traditional technical/public services divisions still exist, and where they do, to what extent professional librarians were performing both technical and public services functions. Data was gathered in the fall and winter of 1995/96 through a mailed questionnaire which was then discussed with each participant in a telephone interview. Findings show that separate divisions still predominate, but that 74% of the libraries had librarians performing functions in another division. Respondents indicated when cross-divisional assignments had been initiated, factors involved in the implementation, advantages and disadvantages to the library, the numbers and types of duties performed, and the proportion of time spent in these split assignments. All participants with professional librarians performing both public and technical services functions stated that the practice would continue. Cross-divisional assignments appear to work well for the libraries where they are in place.