Library consortia in China Elaine Xiaofen Dong, Special Formats Cataloging Librarian, University of Arkansas Libraries
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Tim Jiping Zou, Head of Access Services, Associate Librarian, University of Arkansas Libraries
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Library consortia in China by Elaine Xiaofen Dong and Tim Jiping Zou LIBRES Volume 19, Issue 1 (March 2009)
This paper traces the history and development of library consortia in China from 1980 to the present. It also gives examples and descriptions of various types of library consortia in China, including academic, public, special, multi-type library consortia at the regional and national level.
Digital rights management and access to information: a developing country’s perspective by Denise Rosemary Nicholson LIBRES Volume 19, Issue 1 (March 2009)
Digital rights management systems (DRMs) together with technological protection measures (TPMs) have become a controversial topic of discussion around copyrighted works, particularly since the controversial Sony BMG case. This paper addresses some of the concerns around TPM-enabled digital rights management systems as they apply to and impact on developing countries. It highlights issues such as digital censorship, international support for digital rights management and the current legislation in South Africa relating to digital rights management. It also discusses types of digital rights management systems and how they affect access to information and knowledge, as well as their impact on the public domain and privacy. The paper provides some recommendations and challenges to librarians and educators in South Africa and for librarians in other developing countries, on how to address digital rights management issues in relation to their obligations and mandates to provide users and learners with unrestricted access to information.
Implementing information literacy in higher education: a perspective on the roles of librarians and disciplinary faculty by Keith Stanger LIBRES Volume 19, Issue 1 (March 2009)
Communities and organizations spend money on library materials and services as a cost effective way to help community members gain access to the works and ideas of others so as to answer questions, solve problems, learn new things, and explore entertainment opportunities. Since the library is the agency that manages access to the social transcript paid for by the community, it is a widely shared belief that the library, particularly those funded by educational institutions, should be the lead agency in articulating, promoting, and developing the community’s information literacy.
LIBRES Editorial Board for this issue:
Kerry Smith (Editor-in-Chief)
Curtin University of Technology, Western Australia