Volume 24, Issue 1

June 2014


Streaming availability and library circulation: An exploratory study
S. Craig Finlay, Indiana University South Bend, USA
Michael Johnson, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, USA
Cody Behles, University of Memphis, USA (cody.behles@gmail.com)

Four types of undergraduate library users, based on their profile of library use, knowledge and perceptions
K.G.D.A. Karunanayake, Fiji National University, Fiji Islands
Haruki Nagata, University of Tsukuba, Japan


Edited by Brendan Luyt

These three papers were selected from the proceedings of A-LIEP 2013: 5th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Library and Information Education and Practice, July 10-12, 2013, organized by Khon Kaen University Information and Communication Management Program, Chulalongkorn University Department of Library Science, and Mahasarakham University Faculty of Informatics. The papers were reviewed in the usual way by members of the editorial board and revised by the authors.

Ontology modeling for a drought management information system
Nattapong Kaewboonma, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Kulthida Tuamsuk, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Marut Buranarach, National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand

Developing a framework for analyzing organizational stories
Lin-Ping Lee, Hong-Wang Liu, Dong-Min Shi, Christopher S.G. Khoo & Natalie Pang
Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Learning styles: Factors affecting information behavior of Thai youth
Jutharat Changthong, Lampang Manmart & Chollabhas Vongprasert
Khon Kaen University, Thailand

EDITORIAL BOARD for this issue

Christopher Khoo (Editor)
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Bradford Lee Eden
Valparaiso University, USA

Heather Moulaison (Associate Editor, Research Section)
University of Missouri, USA

Ross Harvey
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia

Mary Beth Weber (Associate Editor, Essays and Opinions Section)
Rutgers University, USA

Philip Hider
Charles Sturt University, Australia

Brendan Luyt (Associate Editor, Special Issues)
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Paul Nieuwenhuysen
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Yew Boon Chia (Associate Editor, Social Media)
Nanyang Technological University Libraries, Singapore

Anthony Olden
University of West London, UK

Kerry Smith (Editor-in-chief Emeritus)

Vernon R. Totanes
Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines

Ann Curry
University of Alberta, Canada

K.S. Raghavan
PES Institute of Technology, India

Stephen J. Bensman
Lousiana State University, USA

Brenda Chawner
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Donald Kraft
Professor Emeritus, Louisiana State University, USA


Technical Support
Editorial assistant: Guangyuan Sun
Editorial assistant (Jan. to July 2014): Shen Li
Web developer: Noverinda Bella Ratmelia
Digital content manager: Joan Wee
Copyeditor: Adrian Heok
Graphic designer: Wendy Wu